Saturday, February 11, 2012

January in Londontown

Hi! London did not move while I was gone!

The first three weeks of January were exclusively set aside for studying, and nothing else. The only thing of excitement ( though not the good kind of excitement) to happen was my laptop completely dying. After two years of riding the tide, it finally drowned. Unfortunately, the timing was right smack dab in the middle of finals, so I had to run out and buy a new computer.

My Birthday came right after finals, and it was a very chill day of shopping, watching tv, a sushi dinner, and cocktails with the girls! Definitely what I needed after a hard few weeks.

We started classes the Monday after finals (I know... soooooooo horrible!). The past three weeks have been a bit more active than the first couple of the year. I got a job in a pub as a bartender! I work between 6-10 hours a week and it is so much fun! It definitely is adding to my English experience. I also had my first water polo tournament in North London vs. Cambridge, Oxford, and Birmingham. I ended up playing the entirety of all three games, which was definitely a test of my endurance (which, for the record, I failed. By the end of the tournament I couldn't even swim a length of the pool). I had forgotten how much I loved to play water polo.... it definitely made for an amazing weekend. I even got 4 goals! Whoo! And last, but definitely not least, this week our boilder broke... aka. not heat or hot water. It was a bit of struggle, but we survived!

To end this post I thought I would highlight some things I recently found in London:

- Even though I walk past it everyday, I never noticed the V&A is full of bomb hole from WWII. It is crazy to think about, and it made me realize how lucky we were that bombs didn't destroy more of London! There is so much history!

-The English consider 30 F a deep freeze.... they obviously would be shocked if they ever visited Chicago

-As soon as an ounce of snow fall, the entire city freaks out! People can't walk, they forget how to drive, its very interesting seeing as it snow here EVERY year.

-There is a ridiculous amount of palm trees growing in my neighborhood

xx Ana

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